Welcome back stinkers! Marvel has recently released the first Captain America: Brave New World Teaser, and I am here to give you my breakdown of said trailer. If you haven’t already, make sure you check out my breakdown of the Agatha All Along Teaser breakdown! It is a good time to be a Marvel fan, with Deadpool & Wolverine coming out in two weeks, first trailers for Captain America 4 and Agatha All Along, and Marvel making their return for SDCC at Hall H.

Captain America: Brave New World Teaser Thoughts

Now I know this movie hasn’t exactly been through a great creative process. However, after rewrites, reshoots, and more, they have finally released a first look trailer! I have to say, for the first teaser, this was awesome! This movie seems action packed, fun, and a great Marvel title. There’s no doubt that Marvel hasn’t been as good as it used to, but I think they’re slowly making their way back up. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was absolutely amazing, The Marvels was fun, and Deadpool & Wolverine is hype!

With Deadpool & Wolverine looking to be an awesome movie, Captain America 4 is going to have to be a great movie. With Brave New World next in line, it’s going to have to carry that wave passed down by Deadpool. Based off of the trailer, I think this it’s going to do exactly that. I’m not saying that it’s going to be as good as Deadpool, but it has to be a great title that people used to expect from Marvel.

I would say this teaser did a good job, and it was able to bump my excitement up a notch. It doesn’t matter where your excitement is, but it’s a trailers job to bump your excitement up. Comparing this to the first Deadpool trailer, it doesn’t have me Deadpool & Wolverine hyped, but I’m still excited. Now, I do have one complaint. They released this trailer way to early. This movie doesn’t come out for 7 months! Yes, they did a good job on the trailer, but people are going to forget about it. I would’ve understood if they showed it at Comic Con or showed it in theaters whenever Deadpool releases. I think they should’ve waited for D23. It’s whatever though, it was still a great trailer.

Captain America: Brave New World Teaser Analysis

Thaddeus Ross has a New Look

Sam Wilson meets up with Thaddeus ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross, but this time he has a new look. Reminding us of the recast of James Rhodes in Iron Man 2, when they joke about Rhodes getting a shave. Of course, that was from Terrence Howard to Don Cheadle. This time it’s Thaddeus Ross, but the reason for this recast is because the previous actor, William Hurt, passed away. They fourth wall break in here was, “It was either shave the moustache or lose the election.” Harrison Ford is playing the new Thaddeus, and I think he is going to do a great job. Ford is a top-notch actor, and I think he’ll end up honoring the original Ross, William Hurt.

Now from the last time we got a more political project, Secret Invasion, we had President Ritson, played by Dermot Mulroney. So, I guess in between the events of Secret Invasion and Brave New World, there was a re-election, and Thaddeus Ross wins. I really wonder if they’re going to address the ending of Secret Invasion, because in the finale, Ritson practically declares war on the Skrulls. So, maybe whenever Ross takes over as president, the war is let go, or Marvel is literally going to ignore that.

Captain America’s Future

So, the reason why Ross approached Sam Wilson in the first place, was because he wanted to make Captain America an official military possession. Sam Wilson adds, “And if we disagree on how to manage a situation?” This is sort of a reference to Steve Rogers as Captain America. If you remember, in the first Avengers, Steve was a bit more reluctant to join because he wasn’t comfortable with the fact that it would be a government-controlled team. So, I really like seeing Sam have that same sort of character. One that we would expect a Captain America to have. What’s great too is that with having Sam Wilson as our new Captain America, it looks like we are going to see a side of Captain America that we are familiar with, and Anothony Mackie is going to bring a unique side to the character.

That being said, people that were fortunate enough to have attended CinemaCon are saying that this scene plays out differently. Instead of Ross saying that he wants to make Captain America a military possession, he wants Sam to assemble a new Avengers team. So, I think that this movie is going to help set up the future of the Multiverse Saga. I don’t think that it will be the main plot of the film, but I think it is going to be more of a sub-plot. It doesn’t even have to be that. I wouldn’t be surprised that it ends up being more of a post credit scene. A little bit ago there was a rumor that Wong might cameo in the film, and I think with whatever news Wong delivers, will push Sam Wilson to lead a new Avengers team.

Giancarlo Esposito’s Role (George Washington Bridge)

Now the next shot that we get is of Giancarlo Esposito’s MCU debut. The big rumor right now is that Esposito will be playing Gearge Washing Bridge. Now this could be an awesome casting. I don’t know much about the character, but from the little I do know, he sounds awesome. In the comics, G. W. Bridge is a member of the X-Force and was made to hunt down mutants. So, from the looks of it, Giancarlo Esposito is going to play some sort of mercenary that would hunt down some superhero. If this is the case, then I think it could be one of two directions. It looks like Captain America might steer away from Ross, and Ross could end up hiring Bridge to hunt down Sam. Now, the other direction could be, Thaddeus Ross gets that super soldier serum, and turns into the Red Hulk.

In several interviews, Giancarlo has been asked about his new role, and he has stated that he is going to be introduced in Brave New World, and then he will get a series of afterwards. I don’t exactly we’re going to get a show titled George Washing Bridge. I think that he is going to be a star of some sort of ensemble project. With Bridge having X-Force roots, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get some sort of X-Force show, where we see mercenaries like G. W. Bridge.

Returning Characters

The next little part we get is what looks to be a weapons deal with Ross leading the sales. We get a shot with Sam Wilson in attendance, joined by Joaquin Torres and Isaiah Bradley. Torres and Bradley were first introduced in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier series. Isaiah Bradley actually got the Super Soldier Serum when he was younger, and a big part of his character was that he was not liked as a Super Soldier because he was a black man. Then with Joaquin Torres, as Steve Rogers originally passed the Captain America mantle down to Wilson, Wilson passed the Falcon mantle down to Torres.

Now what is exactly going on in this scene? With Ross behind the glass panel, there seems to be some sort of world map. I’ll get into this later, but with the return of Tiamut, it’s looking like it’ll provide some sort of material for certain countries. So, what looks like is going down here, is that Ross is trying to sell certain parts of the island to different countries. Isaiah Bradley then suddenly stands up and open fires at the president. Another shot we get later in the trailer is with The Leader, and I think that he will be mind controlling people with the Super Soldier Serum to do his bidding. The last time we actually saw Tim Blake Nelson as the Leader, was his first time in The Incredible Hulk.

The Leader

We then get a shot of The Leader! Tim Blake Nelson was originally introduced in The Incredible Hulk as the character Samuel Sterns. We then left off the movie with him being mutated into the Leader. From the loos of the trailer, it looks like he is going to be some sort of puppet master behind the scenes. In the trailer we also got a shot of some sort of laboratory, that I think is going to be Stern’s. We get a moment in the trailer where Sam Wilson tells Thaddeus Ross that his inner circle has been breached. Now that’s going to be important in a moment. I think that Sterns is going to be behind the scenes, and sort of squeeze his way through the ranks. I think that it’s The Leader that makes Isaiah go rogue.

The Return of Tiamut

We then get a gnarly shot of this air force battle with Sam, at Tiamut island. I love the look of this battle. I think this action scene is going to be great. Again, if you shift your attention to the island he’s flying by. This is Tiamut island, originally seen in The Eternals. They’re finally addressing the giant celestial that’s been in the ocean for years! Now the big theory is that this island has a wanted material, Adamantium. It would definitely be a nice way to introduce Mutants into the picture. It feels like something that the MCU has been lacking was the great interconnectivity. The Multiverse Saga has been all over the place. Now I don’t think it’s too late for them to fix that, but they’re going to have to work a lot harder at doing so.

By the way. I just wanted to mention those lines from Sam Wilson and Thaddeus Ross. That was definitely one of my favorite parts of the trailer. “You may be Captain America, but you’re not Steve Roger”. Wilson then replies with, “You’re right. I’m not.” I think that really goes to show that this is a different Captain America. I mentioned earlier that I think with this movie we’re going to get a bit of the Captain America we’re familiar with, but Anthony Mackie is going to provide a fresh new take on that. This movie is going to show Sam rising up to the occasion and proving how good of a Captain America he can be.

Red Hulk

Now for the big money shot of the trailer! The Captain America: Brave New World Teaser ends with our first look at Red Hulk. This is certainly one of the shots that got me hyped, and I think a lot of other people can say the same. Now I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I think Sam might be screwed here. I think that this is Sam’s first punch at Red Hulk, but with ease he catches the shield and slams it in the ground.

When I was talking about The Leader, I mentioned that it looks like he is trying to make his way up the ranks until he gets to Thaddeus Ross. Then Sam alerts the president that his inner circle has been reached. So, tying all of this together, I think that Sterns is going to kidnap the president, and use that lab we saw to turn him into the Red Hulk. This is all just my speculation! Of course, I don’t know what’s really going to happen.

Wrap Up

That is going to do it for my Captain America: Brave New World Teaser thoughts and analysis! I know I’m a few days late but thank you for reading up on some more movie talk. If you’re interested in more, I would suggest you check out my trailer analysis for Agatha All Along! Make sure you check out The Big Stinker Blog for more coverage on breakdowns and reviews, talking about movies, TV, gaming, and more. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.