Welcome back stinkers! Dog Man comes out this weekend and I thought I would rewatch Captain Underpants! A movie that technically takes place in the same universe as Dog Man. So, today I will be giving you my review of Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie, and expect a Dog Man review on Monday or some time next week! Let’s get into it!
Great Potty Humor

Starting off with the good! It’s a movie that holds up surprisingly well. I think it’s a movie that is pretty rewatchable and I’ll have a good time everytime I watch it. And I think you’ll have a fun time whether you’re 7, 13, or 20!
Yes, it has that potty type humor, but it was well because it knows what it is. The whole joke or point is the fact that this movie is full of potty humor. And since it is good at being self aware, it leads to more of a fun time. I mean who saw the comedic genius that was Professor Poopypants?? So, this movie is certainly a fun, comfort watch for me.
Great Voice Cast

Another reason why I found it to be quite good, is because I found it to be quite charming. I found the characters to be such a delight! The whole cast is, I hate to say it, but brilliant! Ed Helms as Captain Underpants might generally be one of the best voice castings ever. And I’m serious when I say that.
I thought that Ed Helms as Captain Underpants was hilarious, and iconic! I don’t care what anyone says! On top of Ed Helms you have Kevin Hart, Thomas Middleditch, Nick Kroll, and Jordan Peele! I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Jordan Peele is the voice of Melvin!
Great Theme and Story

Now the last thing that I wanted to talk about is the story itself. The theme of friendship was very sweet, and again, quite charming. That’s probably THE reason why this movie stands the test of time. I know it’s something you wouldn’t expect from a Captain Underpants movie, but if you haven’t checked this movie out I would definitely suggest doing so.
Again, I found the characters to be funny and charming, and the story to be sweet! The theme and the plot stands the test of time, as Harold and George’s friendship grows by them being sent apart. The movie teaches kids that it’s ok to have a good laugh, and that there is a time and a place. I think this is a good and fun movie to show to kids.
Potty Humor Won’t be for Everyone

Now of course this isn’t a perfect movie. I said that the potty humor works in this movie because of how self aware it is, and in my head, it made fun of potty humor by doing so. I thought of it to be great on both sides of that spectrum. However, it’s going to be that potty humor that holds it back for a lot of people. There’s going to be those Melvins out there, and that’s ok. I just don’t know if the plot will be enough for people.
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Review Wrap Up

So, to summarize my review of Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie. I found this movie to be sweet in its theme, charming in its characters, and surprisingly funny in its humor. But tread lightly because the potty humor is either going to be what wins you over, or loses you. The reason why it’s so rewatchable for me is that I find it to be easily digestible, and fun to enjoy at any time and at any age.
And that is going to do it for my review of Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie! I don’t care what anyone says, I LOVE this movie! Of course, it isn’t perfect, and not everyone is going to like it as much as I did. Let’s hope that the other childhood series adaptation, Dog Man can hold up! Make sure you check out The Big Stinker Blog for more reviews and news, and The Big Stinker on YouTube for our video coverage! So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.