Welcome back stinkers! NYCC is currently underway, and with that we have gotten many quite awesome presentations. Will the one that might just stick out the most had to be DC’s debut of the Creature Commandos trailer! I am going to apologize for being a couple days late, for I have been too sick to work on anything.
Creature Commandos Trailer Thoughts
Now most people thought that this trailer looked alright, but I LOVED IT! I am so pumped for this show! All the characters look absolutely awesome, and it looks like each character will be loved by many. The chemistry between these team members seems unmatched! People are complaining that this is the fifth project that James Gunn has worked on that follows a team of misfits. I don’t see the issue. Guardians of the Galaxy is much different from The Suicide Squad, and The Suicide Squad is different from Creature Commandos. With James Gunn behind the wheel, it’s just another team for people to love. I was also quite surprised with the violence in this trailer. I knew it was going to be more mature, but after the NYCC panel, I didn’t realize that it would be THAT mature.
Creature Commandos Trailer Analysis
Circe and Princess Ilana Rostovic

With this Creature Commandos trailer, we actually get quite a lot more information about the direction of the story, and the team. We see Circe attack upon Princess Rostovic, and the Creature Commandos are called upon to save her. The big question is why Circe is doing this in the first place. Thanks to the panel at NYCC, we get to learn more about the relationships in the show. We learn that Rick Flag Sr. and Princess Rostovic have a steamy R-rated scene in the show.
The Bride and Frankenstein

Now before I get into the team members, I would like to point you towards my original breakdown of the first Creature Commandos teaser to learn even more about this team. So, next to Rick Flag Sr. it looks like that The Bride will lead right next to Flag. From the looks of the trailer, it looks like that Frankenstein creates himself a Bride, but it doesn’t end up the way he wanted to. That where we see that more awkward tension between them, but also maybe a couple we could be rooting for in the end.
Dr. Phosphorus and Rupert Thorne

We then get a look into Dr. Phosphorus’ origin. We see him being tossed into the machine that turns him into what we see him as today. It looks like he’s just taken as a government test subject against his own will. Now before I go on, I’d like to mention that Alan Tudyk (Dr. Phosphorus), might just have a role in Superman. Now the question is whether it will be Dr. Phosphorus or a new role. I think that we could maybe see a Dr. Phosphorus cameo, but I’m honestly leaning towards the other way. Similar to Sean Gunn, I think Alan Tudyk will have multiple voice roles. Who shall that character be? Who knows?
Now thanks to the NYCC panel, we have learned about some guest stars on the show. While Michael Rooker was a standout name, we have learned that Benjamin Byron Davis will be playing Rupert Thorne. Rupert Thorne seemingly playing a role into creating Dr. Phosphorus. Rupert Thorne also just feels like a character that could just pop up in tiny roles every now and then.

Weasel is going to be the other character that is returning. James Gunn’s brother, Sean Gunn, is reprising his role of Weasel. Weasel was originally introduced in The Suicide Squad, which we already know will be loose cannon to the DCU. Speaking on his origin, Weasel was a part of Task Force X, but was then believed to be dead as he seemingly drowned in The Suicide Squad. With that movie being, loose cannon, I think that won’t be something that carries over into the DCU.
Nina Mazursky

Now as for character origins, I’m the most excited about Nina Mazursky’s. In the trailer we get glimpses at the character’s backstory. We see her birth, and then her facing bullies in school. Now the thing that has me intrigued is what James Gunn teases during the NYCC panel. James Gunn went on to say that this might just be the saddest thing he had ever written. We also got teased saying that Mazursky’s will basically make you shed a tear.
G.I. Robot

G.I. Robot was made during World War II to fight Nazis. It is as simple as that. I do want to mention that the Creature Commandos was originally put together to fight in the war. However, times have changed and they’re in a new era. I still think it’s great that they’re keeping G.I. Robot’s Nazi fighting origin.

Now the last thing that I wanted to talk about was our first look at Clayface. Now one of the guest spots that was mentioned was Michael Rooker, and I can surprisingly see him portraying the DCU Clayface. That’s at least where I’m going to put my money. So, what I think is going to happen, is that one of the episodes will focus inside the castle, and the main focus is to get rid of Clayface. There could possibly be references to his Gotham ties, similar to Dr. Phosphorus, but I really think that they’re not going to focus that much on where Clayface might’ve come from. I am just happy that we are getting an appetizer to the more fantastical side of the DCU.
Creature Commandos Wrap Up
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to catch up on some TV news with me. An even more special thanks to sticking with me a week later from when the trailer came out. I’ve just sadly been sick and away from my computer. Don’t worry! I am trying to get things back on track. Make sure you check out The Big Stinker Blog for more breakdowns, reviews, and coverage on TV, movies, gaming, and more. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.