Just two days later after my breakdown of the first trailer, they release a new one! Welcome back stinkers, I am back again, talking about the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine once again. This trailer was just as great as the last, and I can’t wait to get into it!
Wolverine is Back!

Hugh Jackman returns as Logan! We follow back up with him at a bar. From what I picked up from the trailer, is that Logan finds comfort at the bar. Even when, no one wants him anywhere, the bartender says. Just from the look on his face when he asks for one more drink, go me feeling bad for my man, my X-Man. “Hi peanut”, Deadpool slides in with. Now this might be some sort of foreshadowing here. This will be something I get to later, but Ant-Man will have a role in here. Peanut was the nickname that he gave his daughter, Cassie. Deadpool is on the tick tick, so he grabs Wolverine, but then he shrugs him off, and starts to get a little angry.
In self-defense Logan pulls out his claws, but they get jammed, and he has trouble pulling them out. Deadpool just makes it even worse for Logan and makes fun of his claws. When Logan continues to refuse to go with Wade, he pulls out his pistol, and Logan puts his own head on it. The is a jaded Wolverine, like we haven’t really seen before. In the Logan movie they aged Hugh Jackman up a bit, but he lost all of his friends like it appears now. It’s just even worse that it looks like Wolverine is going through the same stuff, but he’s younger. He isn’t as wise and experienced as Logan was in the movie.
Wolverine’s Lost it all, Deadpool is About to as Well
We basically follow back up where we left off. Deadpool was left on the ground in the last trailer, and we see Wolverine’s perspective from that fight. Deadpool explains that his universe is in danger, and he needs Wolverine to help him save it. “We basically follow back up where we left off. Deadpool was left on the ground in the last trailer, and we see Wolverine’s perspective from that fight. Deadpool explains that his universe is in danger, and he needs Wolverine to help him save it. “Not my f$%7ing problem.” Wolverine says, “Is that what you said when your world went to sh1t!” Deadpool replies. That just further proves how sad this Logan’s universe is.

We then see what looks like a younger Wolverine at a graveyard of past mutants. I think director, Shawn Levy, is going to push a lot of the emotion of the film through Wolverine. Logan absolutely has lost it all, I would say he is delt an even worse hand then Logan from the 2017 film. My boy is more depressed than ever. It’s honestly making me depressed seeing the number of mutants that have passed away. Mr. Paradox goes on to say how this Wolverine let down his entire world. We see him just lying there completely still, almost like he is under some sort of paralysis.

Wolverine V.S. Mr. Paradox

Mathew Macfadyen’s Mr. Paradox makes a return, but a little damaged. We see him with a broken nose, with Wolverine on the floor. I think that Deadpool was able to bring Wolverine to the TVA, but Paradox and everyone else was not on board with Deadpool. That’s when Wolverine stands up for himself, and maybe even Deadpool. To protect Paradox, TVA guards then use some sort of stun gun against Wolverine. That is where he explains to Deadpool how he let down his world, and how it is not a good idea for him to help. That’s when we see Deadpool with his cartoony eyes, but eyes that wouldn’t be any better. Everyone knows that it’s the eyes that allows Deadpool to show any emotion, and you are able to see it here. I think Deadpool’s character arc in here, might be him learning a true meaning of friendship.
Deadpool V.S. Wolverine

We then go back to the Void where we see that big fox logo pruned, once again. Folks, the action in here is going to be insane. If somehow people are still having the conversation on the whole “Disneyfied” thing, then this has to put it to rest. I’ve said this so much, that if you are still thinking that Disney is going to water this down, SHUT UP! You are not a true fan, and you have been clearly living under a rock. The fight shows Deadpool weaving Wolverine’s claws, until he gets hit. Even though he has regenerative abilities, getting sliced in the groin must be painful. If that somehow doesn’t hurt, it has to be the fact that you now have three extra booty holes.
One more thing I would like to throw in there is this neat detail that has recently been spotted out. As Deadpool weaves and weaves, this is actually mimicking the fight between Peter Park and Flash Thompson from the original Spider-Man. Now, how important is this detail? I think it could go either way. It could either just be an homage to the original Spider-Man trilogy, or it could be teasing a Spider-Man cameo. This movie has been said to be the ultimate finale of the Fox Marvel legacy. I think Tobey Maguire could show up in Secret Wars, but not in here. This is a chance to ultimately wrap up the Fox saga of Marvel. I don’t think they would have room for Spider-Man in there. Just be happy that we got their endings in Spider-Man: No Way Home.
Conflicting Personalities

“You wanna talk about what’s haunting you or should we wait for a third act flashback?” This feels like something the Wade will ask Logan, after their fight with the TVA. I mentioned how Deadpool expresses his emotion through the eyes, and that is reacting to what Paradox told him. This feels like we follow up after a fight, with Deadpool trying to start that conversation. I think this is where he steps up as a friend. That’s kind of what I love about Deadpool. When steps up as that friend, he is a sincere guy, but he’s still able to add that comedic sense to it.

Wolverine’s emotions then get in the way a bit. The way he just says, “Go f#ck yourself”, just feels unhealthy and not good for his character. By the end of the movie, I think he’ll learn to not put his emotions aside and confront them head on. This Wolverine has a lot of packages to unload, and he isn’t going to be able to do that once he becomes more friendly. This is what’s going to make the movie so great. Wolverine and Deadpool aren’t only going to help Wade’s universe, but help each other develop and become better people.
Deadpool & Wolverine Team Up

The two then seem to come together to team up. Deadpool & Wolverine, get new guns. Deadpool replaces his pistol, and Wolverine shows off his arms. Before I get too far into these changes, I just wanted to shoutout the joke of Liefeld’s Just Feet in the back. If you didn’t know Rob Liefeld is the co-creator of Deadpool, as well as members of the X-Force, and more. He might’ve been able to create these amazing characters, but he was infamous for one thing. Liefeld was not able to draw feet whatsoever. I mean artists have their weaknesses. Like, I myself cannot draw hands, at all! The guy was teased a lot for his feet drawing, mostly because of the blobs, or terrible miss proportioned feet.
Now what is going on? It has been said Deadpool will come across a variant of himself I don’t know what variant it is; I just know they had these shiny gold pistols. Deadpool was most likely just jealous, and probably messed that variant up for them. But where are they? We see them in front of these store fronts, and they’re damaged, and explosions are going on in the back. We later see Deadpool and Wolverine with a Deadpool variant, Dogpool. I think that they might be pulling a group of some of the best variants around. And they will assemble a legion of Deadpools and Wolverines to go up against either Casandra Nova, or the TVA.
Wolverine and X-23

We then get a shot at Logan with his sleeves off, and he says, “Trust me kid, I’m no hero”. I think Wolverine is talking with X-23 here. She’s really the only person around the he would talk to this nicely. Now I just wanted to throw this out there. I think this Wolverine might be talking to the X-23 from the same universe that Logan is in. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have said in the past that they will not be touching the death of Wolverine in Logan. This Wolverine is from a different universe, and this one has had an even worse time than ever.
I think when Deadpool and Wolverine try to round up other Wolverines they’re going to pay a visit to the Logan movie. That is where we see Deadpool fighting the TVA guards in the snowy area. And X-23 is going to find him near his grave, and she’s going to get angry. That’s when she notices Wolverine and she gets calm. That’s where she might be confused and the two have to explain to her what’s going on. That is where we get Wolverine saying, “Trust me kid, I’m no hero”.
Wolverine and Deadpool Ready Up

The trailer then starts to ramp up, Madana’s Like a Prayer is played. “I am soaking wet right now.” That’s what leads up into this montage from the movie, we start to pick up more paste. Wolverine extends out his claws, this time to its full length. BAM! The violence picks up, as we see Deadpool slice and dice some TVA agents. I think that’ll be towards the front end of the movie, where Deadpool is still looking for Wolverines, and he goes to the Canadian border from Logan.
We then see one of the many fights between Deadpool and Wolverine. This is where I want to propose a new theory. When the TVA obtains Deadpool to set him out to fight Casandra Nova and save his universe, he is going to want to get Wolverine’s help. That is when he goes to this new Wolverine, that isn’t doing all that good. I think we’re going to get some sort of plot twist. Where it’ll be revealed that the TVA have him in some sort of captivity, like they’ve been keeping a close eye on him. That’s where Paradox will explain to Deadpool that this Wolverine let down his entire world. I think the fight be before this whole TVA thing where Paradox gets a broken nose. After a bloody fight between each other, Deadpool is going to feel worse for the guy.
The Dance with Deadpool and Wolverine

Something that I just really come to love from this trailer is how it was edited. It felt like a flowing dance sequence. With the clanging of the Adamantium, and the snapping of necks. Then we get Deadpool being tailored up, and we end with a Deadpool explosion. Again, I really think that the trailer flows really well together, As Wolverine yells (Probably at Deadpool) Wade launches out of the car.
Deadpool and Wolverine Meet Casandra Nova
Some people are split on the role that Cassandra Nova will play in this movie. Some people are set on her being the main antagonist, while some people think that there is a greater villain behind this. Cassandra Nova is Charles Xavier’s evil twin sister, who he killed in the womb. Nova then comes back in an adult form, back for revenge against the mutants. Cassandra Nova will be played by Emma Corrin.

That is when we see probably one of the craziest details from the trailer. We see the return of Alioth from the Loki series, but if you look in the corner, you can see the full corpse of Ant-Man. We get a better look at his helmet, but dude poor Lang. In the Old Man Logan comics, we follow an aged-up Wolverine in a post-apocalyptic world, where the villains have basically wiped-out heroes. Logan ends up finding a giant corpse of Scott Lang. Just this time, he is hollowed out, and all you can see is his skeleton. This might be where “Hi peanut”, might come into play. Since I would only assume we get that bar scene before we see Ant-Man, this might be Deadpool foreshadowing what’s to come.
X-Men Cameos
The last thing I wanted to point out in here are the X-Men characters showing up in here. Near the Ant-Man base people have been able to spot, Lady Deathstrike, Toad, Calisto, and Azazel. Now these characters might be great, where are our front liners? At CinemaCon, director, Shawn Levy, has said that they had a difficult time just to show footage for attendees. James Marsden has teased a cameo, and so much more. The worst-case scenario is that they ultimately don’t feature those front liners and save them for Avengers: Secret Wars. I would think that they might have to split these cameos apart. The budget for Avengers: Endgame was 365 million dollars! These actors have also grown in fame since their X-Men roles, so it’ll only be even more expensive.
Big Slow Motion Action Sequence

We then see a whole abundance of footage from the rest of the movie, and they show a good chunk. We see Dogpool licking Wade, and Wolverine looking with disgust. This further proves what I mentioned earlier, talking about the goal between these two. We then get a look at another one of those Mad Max type racers. I believe this will be in the void, and these Mad Max type characters are past villains from the Fox era of Marvel. I then want to mention another look that we get at Cassandra Nova. We see her use this Professor X type telekinesis controlling Wolverine.
I might just be reading into this too much, but by looking at this, I think that Nova is the reason why Wolverine’s world went to sh1t. We saw how Wolverine was laying on the floor paralyzed, looking sadder than ever. I went on to assume that his tussle with Mr. Paradox was caused by his emotions getting in the way. I think that when Wolverine confronts Nova, this is also caused by his emotions getting in the way. This would be a growing point for Logan, and that might be what bonds him closer with Deadpool.

We then finish the trailer off on a high note. “LET’S F#CKING GO!” For me these show their conflicting personalities coming together. It’s just the way they said it, that makes it feel like they’re bonding together. Going from Wolverine hating Deadpool, to them becoming best bubs.
Now the question is, where are they going? The two jump out of the eye of Ant-Man The more important detail is that sorcerer portal. Now is it Doctor Stange or Wong that opened it up? Well, I think it might be both. I’ve seen a theory thrown out there that they might be jumping into the Battle of Earth. So, it could be up for debate on who really created the portal. I think that they might be jumping into the main Sacred Timeline (MCU). I mean this seems clearly edited so we wouldn’t know where they’re jumping to. So, this must be an important location in time. I don’t think that it could be current Doctor Stange anyways, because he left to go work on this problem to save the multiverse.
Wanna Build a Snowman?

We then end the trailer off with a part of the footage that was shown at CinemaCon. “Hey, coke is the one thing that Feige said is off limits.” It has already been said that this movie will poke fun at head of Marvel, Kevin Feige, a good bit. Wade then goes on to explain how Marvel has a list of nicknames used for white powder sugar. Bolivian marching powder, snowboarding, disco dust, white girl interrupted, forest bump, and what might be most important, do you wanna build a snowman? Similar to the tailor from before touching Deadpool inappropriately with his Mickey Mouse white gloves, I think this is also them poking fun at Disney. Of course, Do You Want to Build a Snowman, was an original song from Frozen, and this is just Deadpool cracking jokes at Disney, now that he has officially joined The House of Mouse.
Trailer Thoughts
Now talking about my thoughts. I think this is just as good, maybe better than the last. It was really able to capture the comedy in here, but more of the emotion we could expect to in the film. It has been expressed many times that this is just as much as a Wolverine movie as a Deadpool. I think Wolverine might bring a lot of the emotion to the movie, but Deadpool will learn how to step up as a friend to Logan.
Thank you so much for taking time out of you day to read my breakdown of the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer. This movie looks like such a fun time at the theaters, the movie will come out July 26, 2024. Make sure you visit The Big Stinker Blog for more coverage on movies, TV, and gaming. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.