Welcome back stinkers! As you know, Deadpool & Wolverine is ramping up for this summer. The idea of the movie is just burning in my mind. So, I thought why not? Let me give you my thoughts on the two-month-old trailer, and my theories that go with it. Before I get started, this will include the footage shown at CinemCon and I am going to do my best to put everything in chronological order. My breakdown is going to be an ultimate analysis of everything we know of this movie and more, including my thoughts.
Deadpool & Wolverine: Marketing
Deadpool & Wolverine comes out July 26, 2024, and the marketing for this film is going to be insane. We’re going to be getting posters, we’re going to be getting meta-ads, and most importantly, popcorn buckets. When Kevin Fiege took the stage at CinemaCon he compared it to the Dune popcorn bucket. He said that some movies accidently their buckets rude and crude, but this one is designed by Wade Wilson himself. Yes, folks. Deadpool is designing the popcorn bucket for the movie. All jokes aside, Ryan Reynolds is phenomenal at marketing. He is going to make this movie it’s money.

Wade’s Mid-Life Crisis

In the footage shown at CinemaCon, Wade Wilson is a car salesman, along with Peter from the second movie. We learn that Wade is going through a bit of a mid-life crisis and is done being a superhero. Peter keeps Deadpool’s suit in his locker, just in case Wade ever wants to go back to the X-Force days.

Wade is then taken to his apartment, where he gets a surprise birthday party from all of his friends from the past films. Peter, Yukio, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Blind Al, Buck, Dopinder, Shatterstar, Colossus, and Vannessa. If you look closely at the picture on the cake, you could make out an empty spot, where Vanisher might be standing. That is Brad Pitt’s cameo role in the second movie, where he dies into an electrical line. What you should take as notice though, is that Wade and Vannessa are no longer dating. After Deadpool’s time travel shenanigans with Cable’s time device, Deadpool messes up the timeline. I’ll get to the timeline stuff later, but because of it, it led to the breakup between Wade Wilson and Vannessa.
During the CinemaCon footage, attendees said that Deadpool gets his moment with each person from the group. One interaction worth noticing is when he talks with Blind Al. The two start throwing nasty insults at each other, and Al ends off with going, “Hey, you wanna do cocaine?” Wade then replies with something of the sorts like, “Fiege coke was the only thing off limits! If you didn’t know Kevin Fiege is the head of Marvel Studios, and this is the first time Deadpool falls under the banner of Marvel Studios. It has been said that the movie will poke fun at Kevin Fiege throughout the film.

Wade Gets Greeted by the TVA

The Time Variance Authority (TVA) make their big screen debut! The TVA was introduced in the Loki Disney Plus series, as these intergalactic time cops that exist outside of time. This seems like a different sanction of the TVA, because they’re wearing armor never seen before. This almost looks like riot gear. To let you know what I think this part of the TVA is, I have to do a bit of a comparison. In our real life, we have this protection side of things, like first responders, layers, and that sort of thing. I think these are like the TVA police department. To further prove my point, we’re about to meet Mr. Paradox. He would be Wade’s representative, and he has to get Wade into the courtroom, and he persuades him with moving timelines. Before I get to ahead of myself, the next part is important.
Wade Wilson shoots the joke of a lifetime, and immediately shows that the movie won’t be “Disnyfied”. As the TVA yanks out their pruning sticks, he says, “Is that supposed to be scary?” as he closes the door. “Pegging isn’t new for me friendo, but it is for Disney.” Folks, this might be the reason why the TVA needs him. Deadpool’s meta commentary is beneficial use to the TVA, and they view him as a sort of sentient being. There has only been three people in the MCU to break the fourth wall, and it has been She Hulk, Scarlet Witch, and now Deadpool.
Deadpool Meets Mr. Paradox

Mr. Paradox is played by Mathew Macfadyen. To further prove my point on how like this is similar to law enforcement, we have to go back to the comics. Mr. Paradox was introduced in the comic, She Hulk #3, along with Mr. Ouroboros (O.B.) O.B. was introduced into the MCU in Loki Season 2, played by Ke Huy Quan. In the comic, She Hulk was in the courtroom, but not as an attorney, but as a defendant. In the comic Paradox was a judge during this trial, but comic adaptations never copy and paste. Mr. Paradox soon meets his fate, and he dies. Now, O.B. also died, but I think Mr. Paradox might end up gone by the end. If they go that path, then I think it could make for a great third act of the movie and put that emotion to such a graphic comedy.
Deadpool is Shown the Multiverse

Mr. Paradox then provides Wade a chance to become a hero among other heroes. This is where we cut off, so I have to use CinemaCon to fill in the gaps. Attendees have described it like this,
Deadpool: “Hold on one minute.” He then runs down this ramp into the camera and says, “Suck it Fox! I’m going to Disneyland!” Now I’m not too sure about the next details, but Deadpool goes onto break the camera, and hump one of those mics used on a production set.

We then get Wade saluting at footage shown of Captain America, what’ll probably be an homage to Chris Evans as Fox’s Human Torch. During CinemaCon, attendees actually got a longer look at the wall of screens. People have said that there was a screen with Thor crying over Deadpool’s dead body. Now what does this mean? I think this is going to be crucial to Deadpool’s character development, and he is going to try and go against the odds. I think we will see this happen during Avengers: Secret Wars. Then we get a look at Mad Max type vehicles riding across a desert. These are the cars we see later in the trailer, like Red Skull’s car from The First Avenger, and the ice cream truck from Moon Knight.

Now, where is this desert? This actually might be a different part of the void. Fans have speculated that Marvel will turn the void, into the MCU version of Battleworld. Battleworld was introduced in the Secret Wars comic where Doctor Doom puts together heroes from different worlds and forces them to fight. The Void might be where the TVA puts heroes they want to keep from destruction with their universes, and the different heroes will either gang up or fight one another.
Deadpool Meets Casandra Nova

We then see the back of a bald head, speculated to be Casandra Nova. In the comics Casandra Nova is the evil twin sister of Charles Xavier (Professor X). In the womb, Charles felt an evil presence from her, and went on to kill her before birth. Casandra somehow comes back from the dead as an adult, and she is out for revenge. From the looks at the clip, it looks like she’s rolling out on a black chair, into the same Void area we see Deadpool in later. I think that after Wade is done fighting the TVA like we see later, Casandra is going to role in, like a stereotypical villain, and introduce herself to Deadpool. You can definitely expect Deadpool to crack some jokes about Casandra, it’ll be even funnier if she is doing the stereotypical villain monologue, and Wade just keeps interrupting.
Deadpool Meets Patch

We are then shown a Wolverine variant called Patch. In the comics, Patch was Wolverine’s alias and he lived on the fictional island of Madripoor. He went around investigating crimes, and gambling and drinking. In the trailer we can see the back of his head, as he plays cards. Like a lot of people, I don’t think this is Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. I think what’s going to happen is that Deadpool is going to try to get Patch to help him with the Multiverse. But when Deadpool approaches him, Patch will turn around and it is going to be a different face. I then think Wade is going to say something like, “Hey you aren’t Wolverine!” He’ll then go, “Yes, I am.” Deadpool is bound to have a hilarious interaction with this variant, they’ll most likely fall under that movie trope, and it’s going to be awesome.
Now who will be the face of Patch. I think Ryan Reynolds might pull a John Krasinski on us, and it’ll be a face that fans have wanted to play Wolverine. The top two fancasts have been Daniel Radcliff, and Taron Egerton. Now, I’m not saying that both aren’t going to be in here, but I think Patch is going to be Daniel Radcliff. I just think that the scenario that I’ve set up fits Radcliff better. If it is Daniel Radcliff, I wouldn’t be surprised if Deadpool through in a “The Boy Who Lived” joke. Before I move on to the next part, I would like to throw in the fact that Gambit could be the one dealing the cards. Who would be Gambit you ask? Channing Tatum.
Marvel Jesus

“I’m the Messiah. I… am… Marvel Jesus.” Folks I think Deadpool & Wolverine will be parodying Dune. First, Deadpool is making a “rude and crude” popcorn bucket, just like Dune did. Wade then sees that he is the messiah, he is Marvel Jesus. Paul Atreides from Dune became a messiah figure to the Fremen, Deadpool is trying to become a messiah figure to Marvel.
Deadpool Suits Up

Deadpool is then suited up by this TVA tailor. The one thing is that he keeps slapping his butt and pulling at his crotch area. The one thing people couldn’t stop noticing is the white gloves. I have gotten on board with that fact that Ryan Reynolds or Shawn Levy (director) put the gloves there, to represent Mickey Mouse. That just shows how The House of Mouse is no longer the same, and that this whole “Disneyfied” thing can go to dust. During CinemaCon, I saw one attendee describe the following, Deadpool then walks out of the tailor’s office, and says something like, “Hey your tailor’s great, but he’s a predator.” Further engraving the fact that Mickey Mouse has dipped his toes into the R-rated territory.
Deadpool Fighting the TVA?

We then see Deadpool fighting the TVA. Here’s what I think the order so far is. We start off with the Marvel Fox universe, and Wade Wilson is surprised with a birthday party. The TVA is aware of his because of his time travel shenanigans from the second movie, so they go to him for some multiverse help. Mr. Paradox explains the threat to Wade, and he gets Deadpool out of his mid-life crisis. I think Deadpool might realize his ability of being able to travel through different timelines, and with his fondness of Wolverine, he tries to join as many as he can. The TVA doesn’t like this so, they have to stop him. That is where Deadpool meets the main Wolverine we see in the movie, and he is able to persuade Wolverine to join him.
We see Deadpool in this snowy biome, but where is he specifically? People have thrown out that it is either Sokovia from Avengers: Age of Ultron, or the Canadian border from the movie, Logan. For me it is a 50/50, both situations could work. It being from Logan makes more since because, I throughout that scenario of Deadpool trying to gather as many Wolverines as possible. The Age of Ultron route could work, because Pietro Maximoff was in there, and he is an X-Men from the other movies.
Fox Logo Pruned?

We then see this gnarly action shot of Deadpool loading up is iconic dual pistols. In the background, we can see a pruned 20th Century Fox logo in the back. This will probably be another thing Deadpool jokes a lot about. I take this logo being in the Void, as sort of this symbol. The symbol being that the Fox era of Marvel is truly over, and it has been pruned into the Void. The Void that is owned by Disney.
Deadpool & Wolverine: Alioth

We see Deadpool in this sort of junk yard in the Void, where we see the vehicles from before, Red Skull’s car, and the ice cream truck from Moon Knight. Deadpool is able to sneak a f bomb in the trailer. Chris Pratt got the first f bomb in a Marvel movie in Guardians of the Galaxy 3, but I’m pretty sure this might be the first f bomb in a Marvel trailer. What makes Deadpool reply with an f bomb, is when a chained-up TVA guard, is swooped by Alioth. That further proves that Deadpool finds his way into the void. This little junk yard area looks like where Casandra Nova rolls into frame earlier in the trailer.
Deadpool & Wolverine: Pyro

Following a bunch of action clips, we see Pyro in some of that Mad Max type gear worn by others from the trailer. Pyro was in the original X-Men films. Could we see the other X-Men cameo in here? Of course, we will. We’re already getting Wolverine in here. We’re also getting Casandra Nova, Charles Xavier’s twin sister, so that leaves room for him to come back in here. I would also think it would be cool if Cyclops and Jean Grey show up in here. After their redemption in X-Men 97, it would be great to see them come back. We’re already getting Hugh Jackman in his comic accurate suit. We could finally get James Marsden in his blue and yellow suit as well. With Cyclops in Grey in here, it only sets Deadpool up for even more jokes, about the love triangle between Wolverine, Jean Grey, and Cyclops.
One Look at Wolverine

We then get the final shot of the trailer, where we see Deadpool get thrown into a wall. We see him lie on the ground in defeat, but people couldn’t help but notice something. To his left, you can see a Secret Wars comic, along with the green juice from, The Incredible Hulk. Deadpool & Wolverine is going to just tease the fans so much about Secret Wars. At CinemaCon, Deadpool was theorizing what was going to happen, and I think this movie is going to be a major start of the road to Secret Wars. I think that by the end of the movie Deadpool will mess up the multiverse, and Secret Wars will be the result of that.
As of Wolverine himself. I like how they’re keeping a good chunk of him for the movie itself. As we get closer to the movie, are they going to advertise Wolverine? Of course, they are! Director Shawn Levy has said himself that this is just as much a Wolverine movie as it is a Deadpool movie. I think Ryan Reynolds and the rest of the marketing team are going to get it just right, so they are able to tease Wolverine and not even show him a whole lot.
Deadpool & Wolverine Variants

So, before I wrap up the blog, I wanted to theorize some variants that might be in here. It’s already confirmed that we’ll see Dogpool, Ladypool, Kidpool, Babypool, Headpool, and a majestic Deadpool. People have speculated Ladypool to be played by, Blake Livley, which would be crazy. I almost think they would do that to parody the Loki show, with how Loki fell in love with himself (Sylvie). People have also speculated that there will be a variant that is a combo of Deadpool and Wolverine.
Now what about Wolverine? I already talked about Patch, and I thought he should be played by Daniel Radcliff. What about Taron Egerton? The only other variant I could see fitting into the movie is either old man Logan, or bounty hunter Wolverine. I also think Deadpool might go save the Logan that died in the Logan movie, but he wouldn’t appear directly. Deadpool might try to resurrect him from the dead, but X-23 might show up, and stab the heck out of Deadpool.
Deadpool & Wolverine: Trailer Thoughts
This trailer ultimately did its job and got me excited for the movie. It didn’t give us much story, but it got us a big enough tease. This movie is about to be peak. I think they’ll do a good job bringing the TVA on to the big screen and moving Deadpool into the main Sacred Timeline.
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