Welcome back stinkers! If you aren’t aware, Fortnite is undergoing a new Marvel season, Absolute Doom. It’s been about two weeks since the season has launched, and with that, we have Fortnite: Absolute Doom Update #1. Yes, this is the first update of the season! We got new skins, new quests, new weapons, and more. Read further to see the updates.
New Marvel Skins

Yes, there was more skins in the files that are planned to come out, I’m just however here to cover the Marvel updates. Although it’s not much, we got two new Marvel skins ready to go! One of them we saw in the Absolute Doom cinematic, and that is Sabretooth Meowscles. The skin is paired up with a pickaxe, wrap, emote, and loading screen. The other skin that was added in the files, is another one that I’m quite excited for, and that is Black Cat. Black Cat is of course a Spider-Man villain, and she is also eventually one of Spider-Man’s love interests. Black Cat is getting a pickaxe, a wrap, and even her own guitar.
Those were the only skins that were shown in the file, but there is also one more leak. With Disney now owning a part of Epic Games, one of the things they wanted to fix was the Battle Pass exclusivity. You might’ve noticed, but from now on, Battle Pass skins are able to be sold in the item shop. The reason for this, is because in the past, skins like Iron Man and Darth Vader were exclusively in the battle pass, and there has been new players since then that aren’t able to obtain them. Well Disney is trying to avoid that, and they’re finding way to sell new versions of these skins in the item shop.
So, with that being said, there has been an Iron Man shop tab, added to the files. There is also a story quest one week that has Iron Man in the name. I would expect to see Iron Man in the shop around then.
Doom Quests and Events

Now that the new update is out, you can now play through the Doom quests and obtain his skin and items for yourself. I’ve actually been working my way thought the quests, and safe to say I’ve been having fun. Yet, some of them have been very difficult. Doom doesn’t only have his base style, but shown above, he has armor that allows him to open Pandora’s Box. Doom has also been playing a big part in the story of course.
Now another thing that’s quite exciting is this event where you can literally become Doom! It’s just like when you could become Thanos and use the Infinity Stones. It’s just too bad that it’s only a 5% chance. If you are lucky enough, later in the game, a loot island will spawn, and it has the chance to be Doom’s island. Again, if you’re lucky, you can obtain the powers of Doom!
Marvel LTM and Weapons

Now here’s the thing that I’m looking forward to the most. Before I get into that, I just wanted to let you know about some new weapons you can find right now. Teased in the first Absolute Doom trailer, was Shuri’s claws. Well now they have finally arrived to the game, and you can play just like your Black Panther. Now the thing that I’ve been looking forward to, is the upcoming Marvel LTM. The leaks have spoken! All the Marvel powers and weapons in this season is going to be in this mode, but that’s not all. All of the mythics from the original Marvel season, and the Endgame LTM is returning. You will be able to fight on two different teams, which will be heroes vs. villains.
Absolute Doom Story

In the first couple weeks of the season, we have learned that Doom is trying to obtain the powers from Pandora’s Box in order to revive his mother. Shifting sides, we’ve learned that Jones and Hope have teamed up with Shuri in order to set up Magneto’s panels to potentially rift Doom back to his universe. I have two things to note. I think this is very obviously setting up for a big live event. At least I hope it would. Since it’s also a Marvel season, I would assume it would be bigger than others. There was also a line in this week’s story quest, and its Hope saying something like it should be her to obtain Pandora’s Box. That’s not the exact quote, I’m paraphrasing. I however think that could set up a potential plot point that sees Hope sacrificing herself in something like a live event.
Fortnite: Absolute Doom Update #1 Wrap Up
dThat is going to be it for my recap on the Absolute Doom Update #1! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to catch up on some gaming news with me. Stay tuned for more Fortnite x Marvel content, and more. Make sure you check out The Big Stinker Blog for more coverage on gaming, movies, TV, breakdowns, reviews, and more! Stay tuned for my Minecraft movie trailer breakdown in about a day’s time. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.