Welcome back stinkers! Today Funko has now come out with a trailer for their upcoming video game debut, Funko Fusion. Today I will go beat for beat through the trailer, breaking it down to the best of my ability.
Funko Fusion Villain

I think based off of the trailer alone, I was able to put the pieces together and kind of make a rough outline for the game’s main story. In the trailer the villainous voice says, “I will be ready. And in countless form”, as we see a bunch of characters wrapped in this purple hue. Similar to Lego Dimensions, I think we’ll be hopping from franchise to franchise. That’s where the villain takes over a character from a different universe, and it is your job to save it.
Freddy Funko

We see this red headed figure walk towards some purple clouds. I think this is Funko’s main man, Freddy. What is his role in here? My theory is that he is the villain. We see a shot later in the trailer where it looks like Freddy is being overtaken by something. I think that this is one of the opening scenes of the game, where Freddy will first be enticed by this power to travel universes. That’s where this entity basically overtakes him, and Freddy is the main host for this villain.
Funko Battlestar Galactica

Dwight Schrute’s favorite movie gets a chance to shine, Battlestar Galactica. Now I have never really watched any Battlestar Galactica, but it is worth noticing the boxes. This is most likely the way that you teleport into your mission. How I think the game might be laid out is that you get to make your own Funko character, and you have this main hub area. That might be where those purple clouds come into play, and you could hop to different universes, along with the main villain. You could almost maybe collect universes along you go. I mean it’s Funko! They’re all about collectibles! If you have some of the guys behind the Lego games behind this, then you’re bound to have some sort of collectible.
Funko Jurassic World

We see a few shots of some moments taking place in Jurassic World. In the shot provided above, you see a big T-Rex causing chaos, with the noticeable purple eyes. Although I said that the main host of this entity would be Freddy Funko, but I think that this entity will be traveling from host to host, franchise to franchise. It is later where we see what I would only assume is one of the boss fights, where we see someone shooting at a big dinosaur.
Funko Jaws

Now I don’t have a lot to talk about from Jaws, but I want to point out one thing. This trailer had a lot of cartoon violence. Although, the Lego games are catered towards kids, this might be a more mature title. Now I’m not saying it’ll be a rated MA title, it’s literally a game about toys.
Funko Umbrella Academy

Now we see some shots of the Umbrella Academy universe, but throughout the trailer, I kept noticing those light beams. We see this villain shoot that beam out of his chest, and the trailer was able to align that up to where a laser of the same color, is shot in the Battlestar Galactica level. We also see this other boss fight in this office, where I couldn’t exactly tell what franchise it takes place in. Don’t get me wrong, I love movies, I’ve just never really seen some of these franchises to where I could know what’s what. The only thing that I could pick out was that same sort of light glow.
Get Ready Freddy

The last shot from the trailer that I really wanted to touch upon was, our only clear look at Freddy Funko. I think this almost proves my theory from before, we see Freddy be enticed by that crown he always wears, and he turns into a skeleton. In the background we even see his dog, reaching for him. Basically, telling him to, wait don’t do it! I think that main entity is going to take over our boy, Freddy, and he’ll be the main villain of the game.
Other Funko Franchises

I now want to finish out this analysis, with the rest of the franchises, and some of my further speculation. We get the confirmation of Jurassic World, The Umbrella Academy, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, The Thing, Masters of the Universe, Hot Fuzz, Battlestar Galactica, Invincible, Shaun of the Dead, Nope, Back to the Future, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Xena: Warrior Princess, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Knight Rider, Chucky, The Mummy, and M3gan. Apologies for not going over each and every detail and franchise shown in the trailer. They look awesome, I just don’t have enough knowledge to talk about them.
Trailer Thoughts
This trailer has done its job and has got me excited on what could be the next big crossover game. I’ve certainly got some preparation to do, like watching these new franchises, to maybe even talk about for you guys on the blog. Make sure you check out The Big Stinker Blog for more coverage on movies, tv shows, gaming, and more.