Welcome back stinkers! I have recently finished my warrior’s journey of watching the limited time series, Knuckles. This is one of my first TV series reviews! How I want to work the series reviews is that I’m going to go straight through the episodes one by one, and talk about my thoughts on that episode, and further elaborate on those thoughts. I do have to warn you, this whole thing talks about spoilers. You have been warned.
Knuckles: The Warrior

Starting off with episode one! The Warrior. We follow back up with Idris Elba as the great Echidna warrior, Knuckles. Out of the trio, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, Knuckles is having more of a difficult time getting used to Earth. This really set up what could’ve been more of the emotional value of the show. But it never really delivered in that department. What I think it did deliver on though was the laughs. It was more like giggles. Online influencer, John Campea said it very well. It feels like the Sonic movies, you put Sonic in a sitcom. But in Knuckles, you put Knuckles into a cartoon kids show. This day and age, cartoon kids shows are a lot of my guilty pleasures. I think that’s where most of my enjoyment came from. This episode was really a baseline of the rest of the show, setting us up for more of a goofy adventure. I say that, but it has only led me into disappointment for the show. You set up this great story for Knuckles to go through, but then you scratch that later on in the show, and it becomes less of Knuckles learning to get comfortable in a new environment. It became more about Wade, and him overcoming his past trauma of his dad leaving him.
This is also the episode where we get introduced to Pachacamac, who I’ll call Mac from now on. It then took me by surprise when I learned that the great Christopher Loyd is lending his voice to the character. It then felt like a bit of a waste, because Mac is a character that could’ve provided more of an insight into the Echidna tribe. But he’s only played as a ghost, which feels a bit lazy to me. Mac had some much potential! He was really the key that could’ve made this the Knuckles show that I really wanted.
This also one of the very few episodes that these rouge G.U.N agents make an appearance. Also, like Mac they had a lot of wasted potential. They could’ve shown insight into the G.U.N agency, really tie it into this overall universe that they’re trying to get off the ground. The agents themselves in here just felt silly. I enjoyed Kid Kudi a little bit, but that was just mostly that bowling lane fight, with that one line where he parodies Sonic 2. “You think I need your power?” That was also really the only moment that the other agent had that I actually liked. For the rest of the show, she just really came off annoying.
Knuckles: Don’t Ever Say I Wasn’t There for You

With episode 1 out of the way, that leads me into the next! Episode two! Don’t Ever Say I Wasn’t There for You. This is the episode where it kind of sets up more of what to expect throughout the series. The show was really about Wade, and how he overcomes his past childhood trauma. The chemistry between Knuckles and Wade was very bittersweet though. It’s how they tried to develop Knuckle’s character which didn’t really work out that well. I saw what they were trying to do, but I never really thought they executed it well. It very much is the Wade show. And I really came to enjoy what this show ended up doing for Wade. This show certainly made me appreciate Wade as a character. Mostly because I see myself in Wade… But hey! That only makes the character all the better. But Wade is really where it ends on my enjoyment of the show. That sequence that goes on in his head, I found funny, but also kind of cringey.
The action in this episode was actually pretty good. And then the G.U.N agents were just there. Kid Cudi is literally the only good thing to come out of G.U.N. That conversation he had with Wade and his mom was actually pretty fun. Oh, and one more thing! We got this awesome intro that I really enjoyed. Might’ve gone on a little long, but Knuckles going through the Wade Jammers. The one thing is that it is almost a misrepresentation of the show. They place Knuckles front and center, and Wade just in the background. And as you know, this isn’t really a Knuckles show, this is the Wade show.
Knuckles: The Shabbat Dinner

Moving on to the next episode, might be one of my favorites, The Shabbat Dinner. This episode had one of the few moments, where Knuckles actually has some character development. Wade goes back to his childhood home to hide from the bounty hunters out to get him. You don’t just get some development for Knuckles, but also a bit for Wade. When this Shabbat dinner goes crazy, Knuckles sort of bonds with his mom. Which is great, but I sort of expected him to bond with Wade, not with his mom. The more I think about it though, this is probably the most character building that we got for Knuckles. I was able to see Knuckles get that realization that he might’ve just found a place on Earth. Which is great for him, but what about Sonic and Tails. That’s something that’s sort of left out by the end of the show.
Knuckles and Wade
It feels like Knuckles found a best friend, but he just goes on side quests with him, and Sonic and Tails is the main friend group. Wade is Knuckles’ Tom (James Marsden). Sonic and Tom were able to become absolute best friends, and it felt like they found that balance with Sonic and Tom and Sonic and Tails. In the Knuckles show it bounces me back and forth, we only get Sonic and Tails in the first episode, and we get a whole lot of Wade. So, it should feel like Wade and Knuckles are on this main quest, but it ultimately feels like a side quest. I am going to say that this episode has some of the best action. That sequence where Knuckles and the Whipple family are fighting the bounty hunters, and the camera circles around the candles. The episode then ends off with this small sentimental moment, where the family is finally together to watch the candles blow out.
Knuckles: The Flames of Disaster

Now this is the episode that probably left me the most disappointed about the show, The Flames of Disaster. For such a lack of Knuckles, there was so much Knuckles and Echidna lore. This is the point where Knuckles is shoved out of the spotlight. This episode almost kind of wraps up what the whole point of the show was, and it wasn’t really the best thing. Wade literally learns the wrong lesson! Wade gets captured by his weird ex bowling teammate. That’s when Wade goes into a dream sequence, where we learn a whole lot about Knuckles. But Knuckles isn’t even there! You have literally bosses and sequences from the games! And Knuckles isn’t even a part of it. They just wasted it on this stage musical with Wade. Don’t get me wrong! I’ve actually really come to love Wade. But this isn’t his show. I also ended up enjoying that musical sequence with all the lore and details we actually got. I might’ve enjoyed the goofiness of it, but it felt like I should not be liking this. They presented those pieces of lore in the absolute wrong way. It almost feels like they just let the budget get out of proportion in the first three episodes. So, they just had to replace Knuckles with Wade in a Knuckles costume. Which I understand, Knuckles isn’t a cheap character to include in here. But I also don’t understand because at the same time you had the inclusion of Mac. And again, Mac didn’t feel like he was done right either.
Knuckles: Reno, Baby

Reno, Baby! Yet again, this has officially turned into the Wade show. Knuckles would make his appearance at the start, but then leave to make a small appearance maybe halfway through. The start of this episode was actually really strong, it was actually able to get me hooked into this relationship between Knuckles and Wade. If they were able to take that, and spread it across this whole series, then I think you could’ve really made a strong series. Then you practically lose me when you have that relationship between Wade and his father. Only if you included Knuckles more, then you could’ve made that relationship building all the better. I will give this episode credit, for being able to make me hate his dad so much. He was really made out to be a d1ck, and his character really made me feel what Wade is feeling. And I thought that was a great way to try and push that emotion in the show, through Wade and his family.
The Buyer
One thing I would also like to mention is the main antagonist of the series, only known as The Buyer. I think that the actor, Rory McCann, did a good job with what he was given. But he didn’t feel threatening, him and the two G.U.N. agents just felt like minor inconveniences. I did end up appreciating the backstory they gave to the character. It was really one of the few things that made this show connected in this big Sonic universe. He said that he worked with G.U.N before it was even called G.U.N. He even implied that he worked for Dr. Robotnik. I have even seen a theory that he even worked for Robotnik’s grandfather, Gerald Robotnik. Which would be an even greater way to connect this to the Sonic universe. We already know we’re getting Shadow, and people have speculated that his friend, Mariah would make an appearance as well. So, Gerald Robotnik is someone that has strong ties with some of these characters. The last quick thing I wanted to mention, was Agent Willoughby. I really didn’t like her at the beginning of the show, and that wasn’t a good thing. I view not liking Wade’s dad as a good thing. But I shouldn’t exactly feel the same way as Willoughby. They tried to give her more depth, but it ended up feeling more forced, then sincere.
Knuckles: What Happens in Reno, Stays in Reno

We have made it to the finale! What happens in Reno, stays in Reno. Yet again, a big lack of Knuckles! We pick up literally right after the ending of the last episode. I do have to say, I did shed a little tear when Wade had Knuckles go up in that elevator to face his doom. I was disappointed in Wade, after everything they went through together, he just let him go in a snap. Then they back away from that, and they reveal how Knuckles knew what was going on, and how he wasn’t really so oblivious. It did give me a laugh when he was willing to let his sister go, but then he decided to go along when his mom was put in danger. Once again, I do have to give credit where credit is due. The action in here is top notch! The thing is, like the last, they reeled me in with Knuckles and Wade, and they quickly back off to focus on Wade’s bowling tournament. That’s where things start to feel rushed. They rushed this resolution between Wade and his father, and they rushed the big fight of Knuckles V.S. The Buyer.
Wade’s Bowling Tournament
Talking about the bowling tournament, I was cheering for Wade, I was hoping that he could beat his father. I felt bad for him whenever everyone was cheering for his dad. I was even able to tolerate his sister in this one. Wade is then able to win the game, and it’s a real proud moment. I’ve really come to like Wade more and more, and it’s got me very curious to go back and see how watching this show effects the character in the movie. I am also very curious if he would pop up in the upcoming third movie. I would hope they could take the bondage that Knuckles and Wade had and include it in the new movie. When Wade gets his victory, it then feels like things get rushed. Nothing gets resolved with father except Wade’s mom punching him in the face.
Knuckles V.S. The Buyer
Talking about that ending fight with Knuckles, I really enjoyed it. I don’t necessarily care for the villain and such, but when Knuckles is knocked out, and Wade has to wake him up, that was a really heartfelt moment. It almost made that journey that Wade and Knuckles had to go on payoff at the end. It probably ended up being one of the most heartfelt moments of the entire show. Talking about the fight itself, it also felt very rushed. It was quickly resolved by a bunch of bowling balls and punches from Knuckles. Wade throwing those bowling balls only felt like an excuse for Wade to be included in the final fight. Then the ending left a bunch of loose ends! Like what happens to Knuckles now? Remember Knuckles is still technically grounded. Where does Knuckles go as well? Does he live with Wade now, because he’s now felt at home? I did appreciate that post credit scene with the Wade and Knuckles Jammers though. It was very much a full circle moment for the two and the series as a whole.
Knuckles: Overall Thoughts
For what this was I had fun being able to sit down and enjoy more of these characters. It might’ve been able to fill a gap between now and the next Sonic movie, but it didn’t exactly fill that Knuckles sized hole I had. Knuckles is only in really half the show and the show is often too silly at times. This show becomes less of a Knuckles show and more about Wade. I think the stuff they did with Wade was great enough, but it felt a bit cheap, maybe even lazy.
That is going to wrap it up for my Knuckles series review! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to catch up on my review. I cannot wait to see Sonic the Hedgehog 3 this winter! Fun fact! I don’t know if you noticed, but there was a Kenu Reeves reference in the show. Which is funny because Keanu Reeves has actually recently been casted as Shadow the Hedgehog. Make sure you check out The Big Stinker Blog for more coverage on, movies, tv, gaming, and more! Until next time Stinkers! Bye bye.