Welcome back stinkers! We have gotten a lot of Fantastic Four news recently, whether it was actors in undisclosed roles or the announcement of Galactus. Before I get more into this make sure you check out other recent movie coverage on The Big Stinker Blog, like a new Hunt for Gollum movie, a review on the recent Fall Guy, and many more.
Paul Walter Houser’s Mystery Fantastic Four Role

Paul Walter Houser has been blowing up recently with all of these roles he has been getting. He was casted as Chris Farley in the upcoming biopic, he landed the lead role in the game show drama feature, Press Your Luck, and has now gotten an undisclosed role in the Fantastic Four. The question is, who is he playing?
A lot of fancasts have come to my attention, and there are certainly some highlights. We already know that the Fantastic Four’s robot sidekick, Herbie will make an appearance in the film. It has been said that Marvel is looking for someone that could deliver in the comedic aspect of Herbie, and I think Paul Walter Houser might be the guy. It’s certainly looking like that Herbie would be the comedic relief of the film. The one reason on why Houser might not be Herbie, is because we already know Herbie will be in the film. Herbie is the only character that has been confirmed, but not casted. The case could just be that they want to keep his voice more of a surprise.
Another character that has been thrown out there is, Mole Man. This could be a role that seems like it could have a comedic aspect, but Houser could flip that, and be a more dramatic, or emotional character. He has seemingly proven that he could be a more dramatic actor and could turn Mole Man from a joke to a character that the audience could really care about. So, if tomorrow they announce that he’s playing Mole Man, I would be very happy.
John Malkovich’s Mystery Fantastic Four Role

Russian himself, John Malkovich has also been casted in an undisclosed role. People then went straight to Dr. Doom. Now I will not complain at all if they reveal he’s Dr. Doom. However, I don’t think that the Dr. Doom will appear in this movie. If anything, it would probably be a Victor Von Doom. Everyone is saying that to introduce Dr. Doom, you would really need to build him more out as a character. You could most likely see him start out as Victor in the first movie, maybe for even the rest of the Multiverse Saga. I wouldn’t complain if Dr. Doom made an appearance. However, I would complain if he’s the replacement for Kang. Doom is someone you need to build up, and you can’t rush halfway through the story.
Two other guesses that I’ve seen thrown out there was Herbie, and Mr. Storm. I would also be happy with both. If he were to voice Herbie with a serious, maybe Russian voice, I think it could be played off into something comical. Malkovich also seems like someone that could also make you care for Herbie even more and might just even be a fan favorite. People have also speculated that he might just play the father of Sue and Johnny Storm. Now, I don’t know a whole lot about Mr. Storm, but I’m sure Malkovich would do a great job.
Ralph Ineson Cast as Galactus

The Fantastic Four has found their villain in Ralph Ineson as Galactus. I’m just going to say what everyone’s saying. This casting is as close to perfect you could get. He just has that low rumbly voice, that a Galactus would need. Since you’re not going to really see a face, the voice is what is the most important. Marvel would most likely learn from past Fantastic Four mistakes. Now I don’t know what they’re actually doing, but I don’t think he’s going to be a big dust cloud. Some people think that he might shrink down into more of a human size. I think that might actually be best, because it might just be the Silver Surfer pulling his punches. If that were the case, then that would be a red flag. If Galactus played more of a puppet master, I wouldn’t immediately get on board with that.
So, we all know that Galactus is literally known to eat planets. My guess is that something might just go wrong. We already know that the movie is going to take place in another Marvel universe. Galactus might just be the gateway for the Fantastic Four to enter into The Sacred Timeline. Now I only have one worry about Galactus. There’s a chance that he might be rushed. I’m kind of teetertottering on whether or not he’s a big enough villain to carry his own saga. He sure can carry a Fortnite live event. I am sure the team and the actors behind the movie will make sure Galactus and the Fantastic Four are done right for the first time.
Wrapping Up
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to catch up on some more movie news. Make sure you check out my theories on when Shalla Bal Silver Surfer was casted. Make sure to also check out more from The Big Stinker Blog, to get the latest coverage on movies, TV, gaming, and more. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.