Welcome back stinkers! Today we have yet another breakdown and review with Skeleton Crew Episode 2! Episode 2 is titled, Way, Way Out Past the Barrier and is directed by David Lowery. We left off the last episode with our four kids leaving this mystery of a planet. Let’s dive in, shall we?
A Pirate’s Tale and a Goonies Adventure
Now, I might just think that this episode is better than the last. My one and only gripe with it is that it should’ve been longer. The characters shine even more, and we get more of this pirate’s tales. I can’t even decide which part of this story is better. Is it the pirates or these kids? What I’m most excited for in this show is seeing those two things collide. Which we pretty much watch unravel in this episode.
Star Wars x Pirate Island x Goonies
Now speaking of this pirate’s tale, I loved throwing them into the kids’ story, and it creates more of a fresh perspective. In the last episode we explored the suburbs of Star Wars, and now we’ve escaped that realm and moved on to this ship port. We have never seen this type of show so far in this Star Wars universe, and I wish we could’ve gotten this sooner. I was smiling ear to ear throughout the episode, as these kids would run around and get themselves into trouble.
We Learn More About the Story
We also get more of a sense of what this show’s really about, and more of the main story. I just have to give props to the writers behind this, because they got me hooked by the charm of the characters and the world in the first episode. They then take this episode, to introduce us to the mystery of At Attin, and since they’ve established that in episode 2, it has me looking forward to the next episode, and hopefully this show can carry that momentum.

Now, shall we get into the episode? We get an official introduction to SM33, voiced by Nick Frost. SM33 is quickly rising to be one of my favorite droids! I mean Nick Frost provides an amazing voice. SM33 is a KX-series security droid, just like K-2SO from Star Wars: Rogue One. Fern steps up, saying that she killed the captain! But who did kill the captain? I believed that’ll be answered later in the show, along with another question. Where did the ship even come from? It’s one of many lingering questions that just makes this show feel so much fun for me. Is it Jude Law’s character? Is it Mrs. Ick? It’s something that must be tied with the folktale mystery of At Atin.
SM33 then runs through the ship’s controls. You have primary Acceleration, pitch, yaw, roll, trim control, secondary acceleration, rear thrusters, side thrusters, base thrusters, secondary base thrusters, tertiary thrusters, rear shield, front shield, and finally flaps. And he just about hands it off to the kids. Something that Jude Law’s character, Jod Na Nawood, will later do. What I would hope to see is a bit of a character arc between these kids. Just maybe, by the end, we can see Neel or Wim can finally take the wheel.
Star Port

Now Fern and the rest of them try to get SM33 to take them back home, but he cannot recall or has no recollection of what At Atin is. So, he ends up taking them to the star port to fix up the ship, but that is where the kids get themselves into some trouble. The kids arrive at the star port, and they just immediately split off. What about in there, you might ask?? I think Fern might be the smartest one of the group.
Melna, a Theelin door girl at the dance party, finds the two girls, and tries to get them to safety. However, when Fern and KB say they’re from At Atin, she does not believe them. Fern then probably remembers what SM33 says and walks away.
At Atin Theory

Wim pays the alien worker his lunch money! An Old Republic credit in mint condition. They all laugh at the two. So, what else does this tell us about At Atin. So, here’s the rundown of everything I’ve gotten so far. At Atin is run by robots, they have rather strict living conditions, and they use fancy smancy credits. Here’s my theory on what could be going on. So, based on what we learn in this episode, At Atin, is a myth to these people. Something of a legend. As of now I think there could be two options. A. These kids quite literally came out of this story, and that is why everyone thinks it’s a joke. B. There could maybe be a higher up, that has created this “perfect” world, and they just put the droids on the planet to do most of the work.
SM33 Saves the Day

Now. I also just wanted to give a shout out to the set designers of the show. I think the episode goes to show some amazing sets, and it shows the magic that comes from practicality. The pirates now have the kids surrounded. The kids then make a run for it as SM33 is able to step up and give the kids more time. But. Oh, no. Gone too soon. Now, I already know that SM33, isn’t dead. He’s shown many times in the trailers. But I still got a little bit emotional. That just goes to show how great the series already is and how great the writing is so far. In this pirates’ chase, there’s Urkel. Jaleel White plays a pirate called Gunther, who will be a reoccurring character on the show.
Jude Law and Pirates of the Carribean Throwback

We finally get to meet Jude Law’s character. We actually meet him. And what I’m pretty sure is a call back to the original Pirates of the Caribbean. Right. You know, and they try to get the dog to grab the key. You pretty much get the same thing here. Now, in the last episode, we met the captain of this pirate crew, in which I’m pretty sure they just tossed him in jail. That’s when he sees these innocent kids and he takes it as a chance to get free. And if that’s just the case, I already know my heart is going to
be broken.
Skeleton Crew Episode 2 Wrap Up
And that is going to do it for stinkers for my breakdown of Skeleton Crew Episode 2! Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my video. Make sure you like subscribe and stay tuned for the next. Make sure you also check out The Big Stinker channel, to watch my video breakdowns and reviews. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.