Welcome back stinkers! Yeah, I know I’ve fallen behind on Skeleton Crew video coverage, and I’ve wanted to make videos for each episode, but I thought, why not just take it home with two last videos. This video I will be talking about Skeleton Crew Episode 6-8, and then in a separate video I will give you my thoughts on the show as a whole.
Skeleton Crew Episode 6

Yes! I don’t know why, but there’s always a tiny part of me thinking that one of these directors could drop the ball. But every episode has been great and amazing so far! That really says more about the writing of the show, then the direction. Now don’t get me wrong, the directors play an important part in that, but for shows, it feels like the writers and the showrunners are the captains of the ship.
What I also really enjoyed about this episode is that it took it back down a notch. We just had this crazy betrayal in the last episode, and we took the time to watch the lasting effect on these kids. This episode has some of the most emotional, and beautiful scenes of the show so far! The kids aren’t only affected, but I’ve been affected! I just love it more and more as I ponder about it, and as it sits with me. That whole plot thread of friendship was so charming!
Skeleton Crew Episode 7

Yes, this is the best episode. I’ve said that in about every episode thus far, which is amazing. It is very rare for a show to draw that reaction out of me. This show continues to build and build. Now by the time I get this video out, the finale will have arrived. And you don’t have to believe me, but as of the time of me making this review, I have yet to see the finale. And oh my god, where this episode left off has me on the edge of my seat!
I was teary eyed for almost the whole episode. This show just adds layers on top of layers! I love the way they’ve kind of made this show, where episode by episode, adds layers to the story, making it more complex, and in a way, it sets up the next episode to be better than the previous. So, it just snowballs to amazing, emotional episodes. Which I believe the finale will deliver.
Skeleton Crew Episode 7 (Jude Law)

Now I remember, in the early episodes, I said that Jude Law would break our hearts in this show, and here we are. And even though I was able to predict this, it still got me. It still broke my heart. That speaks more in the direction if anything. Everything in this episode was handled beautifully. Honestly, a roller coaster of emotions. I just about cried when Jod just ended 33 like that.
Skeleton Crew Episode 8

Now for the last episode! As an episode… Wonderful! Loved it! As a season finale… not so much. Starting with the good, it fulfilled the characters greatly. It felt like it gave me enough to more so appreciate the journey these characters had to go through. There were plenty of moments here where I was on the edge of my seat, where I was cheering out loud, and where I was just about to cry. It’s really some of the best work Star Wars has put out in years!
Skeleton Crew Episode 8 (Characters)

Continuing talking about the characters, I loved the fact that each of them got their own moment to shine. I still love Neel, and I was worried for his character for some reason. I was worried for all of these characters! The fact that we all know, they would never kill off any of these kids, they were still able to grab a hold of our hearts. I still felt for Neel, I still felt for KB. And. I think where that stems from is the fact that they do such a good job in putting us in the shoes of these characters.
Skeleton Crew Episode 8 (Climactic Conclusion)

That’s where I wanted to mention, I love the cinematography of this episode specifically. For example, when the kids are on their bikes, I felt like I was speeding along right with them. The whole sequence at the beginning was wonderful. It had a wonderful start to a finale. More on the end in a moment. But more so at the beginning, it did a great job of fulfilling on such a climactic moment, it’s the episode that we’ve been waiting for and makes the adventure worth it.
Skeleton Crew Episode 8 (Jude Law)

Now before I get into what I didn’t like, I wanted to talk about one more great thing. Jude Law. I think Jod Na Nawood might be one of my favorite characters in the Star Wars universe. This episode just added more depth to the character, and the conflict was great. He was clearly a bad guy, and us as the audience didn’t like him. However, there are these moments where it shows that he isn’t as bad as we think. Scratch that.
What I want to make apparent is that I love a good villain, where they think they’re doing the right thing. Jod thought he was doing the right thing when he was saying, please just stop, I don’t want to kill you, I want you to live your normal life. It added depth and emotion to the character that I just loved!
Skeleton Crew Episode 8 (Jod’s Backstory)

I think what might’ve been the biggest question from this season was Jod’s backstory. We learn that he was just a kid, in which a Jedi took him as their own, and he learned the ways of the force. That’s when that Jedi was killed, and Jod was sent on a path of evil, and piracy. I think that this Jedi was killed from Order 66. This event doesn’t only add even more depth to the Jod character but also delivers some great world building. While Skeleton Crew took place in its very own corner of the galaxy, it can still connect to the wider scope of things like Order 66.
Skeleton Crew Episode 8 (Ending)

Now for the stuff I didn’t like. I wasn’t a fan of the ending. It just ended! I said the episode did enough to where I appreciated the character journey. But that being said, I didn’t get the closure that I wanted. I get what they were trying to do, but it didn’t really work. While the show answered the questions that sprung from this season, you can’t just overload the finale with a bunch of new questions, and no answers.
What happened to Jod? How does At Atin shift with this sudden change to where they’re public to the world? I’m excited for the possibility of season 2. I mean I’m hoping. We have to see how well the numbers grew per episode. But I’d be really excited for season 2 either way, but now a reason for my anticipation is so it can pick up from this sudden ending.
Skeleton Crew Season 2?

Let’s have that conversation about season 2. Where could the story go now? Well what is really exciting is to see how At Atin deals with the ramifications of the destruction of the barrier. It’ll be so interesting to see these characters’ whole ideologies change in a snap. Maybe the rest of At Atin is unhappy with the kids and their families for this to happen in the first place.
I would also expect for them to some way link Jod back with the kids. I don’t know how they’ll do that given the circumstances, but I think this show was at its best, when Jod was with the kids. It’ll be interesting to see how that dynamic changes if a season 2 were to happen.
Skeleton Crew Episode 6-8 Breakdown Wrap Up
And that is going to do it for my video coverage of Skeleton Crew Episode 6-8! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read yet another one of my posts! Make sure you subscribe to The Big Stinker on YouTube for more videos! And make sure to check out The Big Stinker Blog for more news coverage! So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.