Welcome back stinkers! Recently at CinemaCon, people got to the trailer for Transformers One during Paramount’s presentation. Well, a week later (today) Paramount literally launched the trailer into space. This will be my thoughts/reaction to the trailer, and my breakdown/recap of the different details throughout the footage.
Transformers One: Marketing Campaign
I think Paramount is about to make a good chunk of cash with Transformers One. As a ramp up to the trailer, this morning they literally launched the trailer into space. Once we get closer to the movie, I just wonder what they’re going to come up with in terms of marketing. If they’re willing to launch a space craft into space just to reveal the first look trailer, then they must be willing to do a lot of stuff for the marketing campaign. Don’t forget, the movie doesn’t come out in a little over five months, and we are already getting the cast promoting the film and getting a three-and-a-half-minute trailer.
Orion Pax and D-16

We get put back into the world of CyberTron, and we follow with CyberTronians, Orion Pax and D-16. Orion Pax is the man Optimus Prime was in his younger days, and D-16 is the younger Megatron. Optimus Prime is going to be voiced by Chris Hemsworth, and Megatron will be voiced by Brian Tyree Henry. Transformers One is a movie that is a part of a planned trilogy of animated films, that will explore Pax and 16 going from brothers to enemies. Orion Pax and D-16 are mine workers in the undergrounds of Cybertron. When the two are hoisted away to waste management they meet “Bad Ass Atron”, B-127. B is what Bumblebee used to go by in his younger days. Bumblebee is going to actually talk in a Transformers movie for once, and he is being voiced by Keegan-Michael Key.

The Layers of CyberTron

We get more of a look at CyberTron then we ever have before. We cut to the newfound gang doing their jobs in the mines of CyberTron. The movie explores different layers of CyberTron, with the rock layers where we see them do their work. The trailer then cuts to a cyberpunk type city, that still seems to be underground. It is then when D-16’s curious gets to him, and tangles the gang of Transformers, and they are set to explore the surface.
As Orion Pax is trying to persuade D-16 to explore the surface, we see him discover some other mysteries. 16 discovers an abandoned CyberTronian type robot, that has the same logo that has been embedded in him for the longest time, and he has had no clue what it meant. This is what I think is going to be one of the breaking points between Orion and 16. Paramount is really going to be ramping up this relationship across all three movies, and this is going to be the start of it. I think this is a movie where they’ll introduce some conflicts between the two. Transformers One will be the setup, I would assume Two is the breaking point between them, and Three would be the battle between the two, and they would probably spark some future CyberTronian wars.

Transformers in the City

When D-16 is fully wrapped into this, Orion surprises him with jet packs. I couldn’t help but notice this sort of cyber wall behind them. My guess is the wall is sort of a gateway between the mines, and into the city. The two are then launched into the city, with a bit of foreshadowing. “If we survive this, I’m going to kill you!” says 16. “I accept those terms!” replies Orion. We then see Orion barely holding on to this train in what looks like the nighttime. I would only assume that this takes place near the climax of them trying to get to the surface. The other reason on why it could be dark is because they’re just heading higher and higher in altitude. It is then when the train busts out of the ground and launches the gang out onto the surface.
During CinemaCon, attendees were shown an extended clip of the film, where it shows the gang of Transformers on the same train we see in the trailer. How I think the order of events that take place is that Orion is able to convince 16 to go to the surface, and they go through the city to get to the train which will launch them up to the surface. I think the clip that was shown at CinemaCon will come into play, and we see the group sort of have a moment with each other. My theory is that things will then turn out of control and that’s where we see Orion and the rest of the crew hold on to the train for dear life, and the group will be thrusted onto the surface.

The Surface of CyberTron

We get introduced to Elita-1, voiced by Scarlet Johansson, as the crew explore the surface. Early test screening viewers have said how rich in lore this movie is, and of course the surface of CyberTron is where we’ll see a lot of it. Alpha Trion, voiced by Laurence Fishburne, then grants the ability of transformation to the crew. Throughout the film we’ll see these guys learn how to transform and use these newfound powers to the best of their ability. This could teach Orion how to adapt with change in the future. We then see the crew struggle as the charge out of the temple with their powers. Orion tries to turn into his famous truck form but gets stuck where he moves his head. We then see B, barely turn into his classic Camaro, and stick a landing into the CyberTronian rocks.
We then see who I only assume is the antagonist of film, which is this weird biotic kind of CyberTronion. After that we cut to what’s probably the third act of the film, where we see Elita turn into this motor bike, and the rest of the Transformers working together, using their new transforming ability. We even get a shot showing off some Decepticons, Starscream, Shockwave, and Soundwave. I have a feeling these guys will come more into play later, when 16 turns into Megatron and turns evil. This whole glimpse of the third act leads into some full-on battles, which I assume was sparked by Orion and 16, because of their two different views on things.

Knife Hands!

We then end the trailer off, showing more of the comedy of the film. B is still discovering his transforming abilities, and he gets a battle mask, and knife hands! We have gotten something in the original Transformers movies where they get the little face masks, but to my knowledge there has been no battle mask. This is also the first time of me seeing a Transformers have knife hands. Now the question is, where does this sequence take place? My guess is that they are here to find the bad guys like Orio tell B later. They might be infiltrating an enemy base to get to someone who’s like a mini boss. They could then use the mini boss, to get to the big boss. The big boss being the biotic Transformer we saw earlier in the trailer.
Cutting to B trying to look all cool and sick (which he does), he ends up making the mistake of slicing and dicing the wrong guys. He then comes off threatening when he goes to the workers to reaffirm that he was right.

Connection to Transformers Universe

One of my last questions is whether or not if this will fit into the new reboot Transformers universe or not. I’m sure if this movie does well, then Paramount will put it into the universe. For now, I would just say it is up for interpretation. I don’t think that this trilogy of films is planned to touch what Rise of the Beasts, and Bumblebee have done. I do think that when watching it, it will have an impact on your view of the character. Seeing Orion turn into Optimus Prime, and D-16 turn into Megatron will be cool to see. It’ll add to the other movies, knowing what happened between the two. Like I said, if this movie does well then Paramount will probably say it’s canon.
At CinemaCon we got the announcement that a Transformers X G.I. Joe film is in the works. If Transformers Three ends up coming out before then and the trilogy does good, then that might have an impact on the next live action film.
Transformers One: My Trailer Thoughts
Speaking on my thoughts of the trailer, I really enjoyed this. What I’m looking the most forward to is seeing the breaking of Orion and16’s brotherhood. I really hope they are able to pull it off on an emotional level, and I think Paramount is able to do it. As of the animation, I really like it. It is very unique and beautiful to look at, but I only have one gripe with it. It reminds me a little bit of those cheap 3d animated Transformers shows. But I think having the balance of great animation, and a little homage to the original shows, it could make for a great animated feature. I’m not too worried about the comedy either, because I still believe that they’re going to deliver on the emotional level throughout the film. The comedic aspects of it are probably just going to make the film better.
I have been seeing a lot of the same sort of criticism that TMNT Mutant Mayhem got, when it got its first trailer. By the end though, the comedy paid off for them. Speaking of Mutant Mayhem made me realize that the two have a lot in common. Mutant Mayhem brought more of a silly tone to the characters, but that is when they’re unexperienced. As they bring more and more into this TMNT universe, we’re going to get to grow with the characters. Now looking at this Transformers One movie, it has the same sort of tone. While they might not be teenagers, they are really young adults. Orion Pax and D-16 don’t have that experience they have in the other films yet. So, just going through this new story should be able to improve upon that and then everyone’s going to like the movie.
Wrap Up
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my blog! I can’t wait for this movie. Transformers One will release on September 20, 2024. Make sure you visit The Big Stinker Blog for coverage on movies, television, gaming, and more. So, until next time stinkers! Bye bye.